
Polycontrols Technologies, Inc. is a corporation with over 40 years of experience in instrumentation, calibration, and the development & implementation of manufacturing solutions. In collaboration with the National Research Council of Canada-NRC, we have created PolyCSAM with the objective of improving the accessibility of cold spray additive manufacturing for our industrial clients. By de-risking the development and the adoption of the technology, we help them become more competitive globally.

PolyCSAM is a world-class, cold spray, hybrid additive manufacturing demonstrator facility integrating advanced surface preparation techniques, material deposition, in-situ robotic machining & surface finishing, heat treatment, and data analytics/machine learning-based process control. Designed and operated in an industry 4.0 spirit, PolyCSAM offers a fully digital manufacturing environment and allows for the manufacturing & repair of parts and assemblies with sizes ranging from a few cm to several meters in length, and weight ranging from a few Kg to hundreds of Kg.