The RNG Coalition is a member-led non-profit organization dedicated to the sustainable advancement of renewable natural gas (RNG or biogas-derived biomethane) as a clean, green, alternative and domestic energy resource – and as a key component and partial solution to addressing global climate change.
The RNG Coalition was formed to provide an education platform and advocacy voice for the protection, preservation and promotion of the renewable natural gas industry in North America.
The RNG Coalition’s diverse membership proudly includes each sector of the RNG industry: waste collection, waste management & recycling companies, renewable energy/gas developers, engineers, financiers, gas/power marketers, gas/power transporters, manufacturers, technology & service providers, environmental advocates, research organizations, organized labor, law firms, consultants, non-profits, airports, municipalities, universities, utilities and individual ratepayers.
The RNG Coalition advocates for sustainable development, deployment and utilization of renewable natural gas so that present and future generations will have access to domestic, renewable, clean fuel and energy.